
2007/12/20 08:46pm
收到HESS的email...看到以後...只覺得這根本是個template which is used for rejection!!
你不會覺得說...嗯, 真可惜, 反而是覺得.....
X的(excuse me~), 你就直說我不是你們要的就算了, 這麼公式化的信, 只會讓人更生氣!

this what i received
"I was impressed with your application and enjoyed the opportunity to speak with you. Your application has been reviewed against our selection criteria and has not advanced to the next stage of our recruitment process." quoted from Meagan Solomon of HESS.
well....I talked to the recruiting manager in Canada....not you!!!

算了....反正只是個補習班"而已" (feel that i'm being sarcastic...)
如果我找不到, Oxford Seminar就等著退錢吧 XD

台灣幾乎都要找所謂的"native speaker of English"
I got to admit that, I always need to ask employers for clarification on this term before I applied for the position.

今天看到這個 - written by Scott Sommer on "Native Speaker"
雖然是一篇2004的文章, 不過不得不承認整篇內容就是好, 深得我心
to me, native speaker of English is not necessary someone who learned English from infancy.

今天中午吃Italian food (as x'mas lunch of the office)
we got 4 different Antipasti
don't ask me what's the names....can't remember, they are in Italian~
and for the main dish, i ordered Capellini (which is Angel's hair with shrimp and basil tossed with tomato sauce)
since we got like FOUR italians in the office (we only got 6 in total, which exclude my supervisor [Argentine] and I [Chinese])
they really get their hands on it!
well...didn't take a picture (they notify me this TODAY!!!)

ps. now i remember i hvn't post up the pictures from last friday yet...i'll find a day to do it

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