目前分類:芒果的學習/工作記事 (48)

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sigh....for the media course, i need to collect one week of newspaper for 2 of the 4 newspaper in toronto
i have already decided to do "Toronto Star" and "The Sun" as my research
asked one of my friend to get wed and thur toronto star, since i won't be in school at these days
however, i really don't know how can he got newspaper from DEC!!!

所以...害得我必須跑到downtown的Toronto Star building去買back copy
今天出了車站(在Union下車), 差點迷路
雖然知道是坐Bay的公車, 但找不到站牌(汗~)
繞了一圈才發現正確地點(原先的停用, 所以要到對街的臨時站牌等)
而且...沒想到居然在Queens Quay & Yonge沒有站牌, 必須到轉彎才能下車

最後沿著Yonge走到King Station坐subway...

jojo2739 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 21 Sun 2007 18:59
  • 煩...

今天仔細看的ECMC20的structured research project
超討厭的....煩~ 要從TV或newspaper中選一個, 目前我自己是決定要做newspaper的啦
不過兩個相比起來, newspaper的....感覺比較花錢 orz
平常哪有人會瘋到一天買兩份不同的報紙, 偏偏Parker就是要我們這麼做!
呿...難道他不知道, 新聞看太多會腦殘的嗎?! (當然, 尤其是台灣新聞!)
再加上一堆從來不曾用到的字都在上面, eg. cover price, advertising rate ...etc.
cover price = price before discount = 定價
advertising rate = price pay for advertising = 廣告費
普通都用price, fee ... etc. 來代替...
x的, 還好這份是在3月才要交, 不然我肯定當場哭給他看(怒~)

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有兩個星期沒上到課 (這禮拜二晚上才加的課)
而first assignment是在這星期三交, 而我剛好錯過了
think up 100 communication media....還不知道prof對communciation media是什麼解釋呢...
再者, 雖然這科不用考試...但是要交很多個assignment or report
其中一個是television / newspaper analysis的...
不過最煩的還是research的那個...不但沒有topic, 而且還要寫5000字
應該會拿iphone去比較blackberry, 再加上其他mobile phone的資料...etc
I guess I really need to BS my way through the whole essay....

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真要問我學到了些什麼?! 我也不知道該怎麼說...

session GPA 2.78

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school starts on monday.....
but....there still 2 courses marks is not out yet (for fall term)
all i could say is that.....U of T is work TOOOOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOW for inputs all the students marks!!!!

雖然還是每週都有long weekend, 但還是.....

2007 winter schedule

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no high expection....just let me pass everything....就醬~

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anyways, 下禮拜一的那科...也是需要花點心思的

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hvn't really study for the exam tomorrow....but it's a lot easier compare to this one
hope everything turn out smoothly~
the one i just finished today....holy....who would thought that he would actually test something like tha!!!
usually when i look over the textbook, i didn't really pay any attention on the graph and figures
but today....he actually pull one of the figure from the text and ask us to describe and write down the conclusion on the text
okay...that's something i would never done good at, coz i never really finish the reading of the textbook...

anyways, one done, two more to go...
i just hope this one....he would give me a 50 and let me just pass the course without any trouble
other courses, not so worry....

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two essay due next thurs, haven't really start writing any of them...
5~7 pages on a proposed project.....guess i'll probably do education and preventation on HIV/AIDS in Sub-Sahara Africa
10~15 pages on the cause of malaysia financial crisis....
guess i'll finish the project one first during the weekend...and start with fc immediately after that!

jojo2739 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

起點是在二樓的辦公室 => 廚房 => 二樓的辦公室 => 三樓的辦公室 => 成功逃離!




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i'm trying to work hard lately....since i only have 4 courses to work on, unlike last year~
however, currently there is only 2 courses that i hv all the readings on hand
that stupid IDSC04 textbook still havn't arrive to bookstore last week, hopefully i'll see it in bookstore this week~

got a lot reading to keep up....
i'm behind in all the courses (except financial crisis....but i hvn't read through the research material yet)
oh well...i'll try to keep it up this week, since i got IDSC04 research paper due in 2 weeks (as well as midterms for other 3 courses), hope i'll be able finish whatever i need in time!

wish me luck!

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Today I had my ECMC31 assignment #6 due by noon.
I didn't even notice we suppose to send it through by e-mail until I double check the information AFTER I got to school....
I'm glad that my lovely bro is awake and is able to send the file to me in time!!!!!
thx bro, you are the best!

I finish this assignment around 9:30 in the morning <-- didn't sleep for the whole night again
even though it's not tricky at all, but like what I always do, I start on the last day and finish it at the last minute
then I prepare to leave for school to hand-in the thing.....

however, I did slide the hard-copy under the prof's door...
if I didn't think about double checking the procedure, I would be dead by now!
how come the prof didn't make a NEW ANNOUNCEMENT?! she just edit the one she made on Fri, July 28th
I wonder how many student will actually SEE that!!!! I won't check the old announcement once it has been viewed!!
glad that I have the habit of "always double check the important stuff either before the time!!"
well....didn't really have enough time for me to check this time, but....

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This week is the last day of class for all my courses.
However, I actually realize that I enjoy ECMC31 a lot!
What a surprise!

Because the prof is sillamaa, before I taking it, I actually thought this course would be like ECMC02 that I had with her (which I drop it soon after my midterm). In fact, I actually enjoying it!
Maybe it's because that the course material is hard to understand at all, and the mark break-down is not all on the tests.
We actually have a few assignment to work on (6 in total), and even though each assignment didn't worth a lot of marks, and some marks are given for the working effort, it is very easy to get all 10% from the assignment.
and for the 2 midterms, i realize that as long as you really pay attention in class and do all the home work questions, you'll be able to get high marks for it!

Today, the prof just talk about the break down for the final exam, I was quite surprise about her decision.
There would be 5 questions in total, each worth 20 marks each, it will be base on the whole course but more emphasis will be on the materials haven't been tested on.
In addition, there would be also 4 bonus question on those assignment readings!
from what i have notice, the readings are very closely related to the course material, as well as these readings are consistence with all the theory we have learnt!

I just hand in my 2nd last assignment today, the last one is due next tuesday by noon.
If I be able to get all full marks for my assignment, I'll have 69% before i get into final.
(well, I didn't do so good in my 2nd midterm. coz i didn't pay much attention during the time of test, so i made a lot of careless and stupid mistakes!)

Now, I really expect to get a 70+% for this course, even though it might be impossible to achieve, but at least this is the goal i'm aiming at for ECMC31.

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it's too bad that i didn't do so well in this one..

the mark is a total fail-fail
i just realize that the prof didn't do so good in writing out the question either.
i prefer the way that at least you give a space between different sub-questions!
sigh.....i didn't realize it until i got back my test today....

( the marking was made today, after i got back my test)
no wonder i'll misunderstand it
i'm kind rushing throughout the test, coz i spend too much time doing the the first part
not only i misunderstood the first question, even some part that i totally forgot to do it!
coz it ask to calculate at least 5 things, and for some reason, i only notice the calculation for the first 2

i can see that lots of people got lower mark for this one, avg drop of 20%

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okay....I can die now....
did so bad in this exam, that i don't even know i could servive or not...

there are 2 questions come out straightly from the homework question,
since i didn't even attend the tutorial, and thought that the prof won't give marks that easy,
so i just briefly go through those homework questions...how stupid i am!

even though she already give us some hint <-- look at the last question > in fact, the one she had on the midterm is not the last question, but some others!
sigh....feel so bad about myself!

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今天是選課的日子,早上多虧了Shelly打電話叫我 XD
Winter還在考慮到底是要留有conflict的課 (VPMB94) 還是換成ECMB36

2006 Fall

2007 Winter

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拿回ECMC31的midterm了....27/40 => 68%

再加上Q2我是因為part a的calculation錯了,造成剩下的全錯
問了她,that's mistake carry over,所以可以拿到更高分~
30/40 => 75%

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7:00 am 爬起來寫作業...
結果被趕上樓 XD

寫啊寫,兩篇東西都看完了,才發現教授問的問題很怪,到intrant check...才發現....
she post a adjusted(?) assignment for week 3
why didn't she mention that last week!!!!! (the date was June 3, 2006)
現在on question 3.....寫到我煩死了....因為這篇有24頁 (unlike the first two, 2~3 pages)
整個assignment才1%, the mark is given only for good effort....

writtng 1/3 ~ 1/2 page of summary per question....

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